Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fire Hydrants: F**k You Very Much

There's nothing like thinking you've found parking and being laughed at by one of these sick bastards posted above. Fire hydrants are the bain of my existence. I hate everything about them. They think they're so cute in the summertime with children opening them up and running through them. Oh whatever. This little asshole right here was cleverly placed near Washington Square Park while I was trying to find parking on a rainy afternoon. Not only did it trick me, but there was another one just like it five feet away. WHAT FOR?? With all of the traffic in New York, no fire truck is going to get there in time anyway, so why senselessly add 16 hydrants on a city block? Stop keeping the parking garages in business. They overcharge. Damnit I need a SmartCar.

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