Tuesday, November 11, 2008

You Know You've Hit Rock Bottom When...

...You become a Gold Member at Starbucks. Now look, there comes a time in every coffee addict's life when they must realize that spending $25 a year to receive 10% off every coffee purchase is actually a reasonable investment. The Starbucks barista (actually it was a guy, does that make him a baristo?) advised that if I spend $5 a week on coffee then the card will pay for itself in a year. Ha! I spend $5 a day on coffee, son! I already have the Gold Member card for Barnes and Noble, which works well for me since I buy magazines every other day and the occasional book that I may or may not read, but looks cute in my purse. I mean seriously, though. What a great way to keep my addictions going? My vices include coffee, leatherbound notebooks, and magazines (I'd include music, but that's for people who pretend to like music). Now I have two cards that fulfill my vices in every way. So I guess I am a Gold Member...not to be confused with Goldmember.

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