Monday, September 1, 2008

Hatin' Hayden

Now look, I enjoyed Hayden Panettiere when she played a baby prostitute in Raising Helen, and I hear great things about her cheerleading acting thing on Heroes. I even let her slide with that role in like the fourth Bring It On (even when she wore desert camo and said "yo"). But Hayden, Hayden, Hayden...what kind of f*ckery is this:

Now with all due respect, it might be the Candies campaign, but honestly come on little girl, this ish is like taken straight from the How to Become Fergie Handbook! We really really don't need another Fergie. And what's up with this hackneyed Reggae tinge? "Yoo dun buy meh flow-ahs." Really? Do yourself a favor and be a real "Hero" to these underaged girls so they don't go running to Hannah Montana for guidance. Yikes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

excellent critique of the first step in the downward spiral of yet another ~starlet~ but you failed to give her due props for all her saving the whales efforts. oh well, extra points for use of the word fuckery.